• PGDM Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA and Granted Equivalence to MBA by AIU | Applications Open for 2024-26 (29th) Batch | Click to Apply

Industry Awards

Overall Ratings:

  • Awarded Best Industry-Linked’ MBA School of India by the AICTE and CII on 8th Dec-2017
  • Ranked as 25th Best MBA School of India by Business Standard, June’2017.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers and URS have declared NDIM among “THE WORLD’S GREATEST BRANDS 2015-16- INDIA” under the Education category as a part of Services Industry
  • MBA at NDIM is internationally accredited by the international rating body, ASIC (UK), with “Premier College Status”, a rare international recognition
  • Ranked amongst the 12th Best Private B-school in India by Business Standard Survey’16
  • Ranked as the 7th Best B-school and 3rd Best Private B-school in the North India by Business Standard Survey’16
  • Ranked as 25th Best B-School in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2016
  • Ranked as 25th Best MBA School of India by Business Standard, June’2017.
  • Best B-school in India and Life Time Achievement by Centre for Education Growth & Research(CEGR) 2015 & 2014
  • Ranked as the 12th Best Private B-school in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015
  • Ranked as the 3rd Private B-school in entire North India by AIMA- Business Standard, June’2015
  • WCRC Leaders-Asia & KPMG ranked NDIM amongst the Fastest Growing Busines schools of Asia – Januay 2014
  • Ranked as the 15th B-School all over India – Business World June 2013
  • Rated amongst Top 7 Private B-Schools in India – Business World June 2013
  • Ranked as the 3rd Private Institute in Delhi, NCR and entire North India – Business World June 2013
  • Rated amongst Top 8 Private B-Schools in India – AIMA IMRB May 2013
  • Rated amongst Top 4 Private B-Schools in Delhi/NCR – Business India December 2012
  • Ranked 19th B-school all over India – Business World June 2012
  • NDIM placements rated 17th in IndiaBusiness World June 2012
  • Rated Overall A++ 2007, 08, 10 and higher than A++ in 2009 & 2011 by – Business India November 2011

Placement Ratings:

  • Ranked as 11th Best for its  finest ” Industry Inteface” by Business Standard, June’2017.
  • NDIM Placement rated 24th in India  by National HRD Network (NHRD), 2015.
  • Industry Interface ranked as Number 1 in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Placements ranked as 5th in entire North India amongst all Private B-schools by AIMA -Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Industry Interface & Scale of Operations ranked Highest in India – AIMA IMRB, May 2014
  • Placements ranked among top 6 in Private B-schools of India – Business World June 2013
  • Ranked No. 1 Private Institute in Delhi, NCR and entire North India for its quality placements – Business World June 2013
  • NDIM placements rated 17th in India – Business World June 2012
  • First amongst Pvt. B-Schools in Delhi and NCR; 20th Best Placements in India-Business World – June 2011
  • Finest Placements in A++ category of B-schools by Business India – Oct’10 – Business World – June’10

Industry Interface Ratings:

  • Industry Interface ranked highest in India at the same level as IIM-A, IIM-C, MDI Gurgaon, International Management Institute, Nirma University, Ahmedabad by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2016
  • Industry Interface and Scale of operations ranked as Number 1 in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Industry Interface ranked Highest in India – AIMA IMRB, May 2014
  • Rated amongst Top 8 Pvt. B-Schools in India – AIMA Indian Management Journal May 2013
  • Industry Interface among Top 22 in India – AIMA-IMRB Business-Standard May 2012
  • Among Top 9 B-schools in India – AIMA-IMRB survey- May 2011
  • 2nd in Delhi, Among Top 11 B-Schools – Business World- June 2011
  • 1st in North India – AIMA Indian Management Journal September 2011
  • Above– IIM (K), Xavier Institute of Management, K J Somaiya and at par  with IIM (B), Deptt. Of Management Studies, IIT Delhi- AIMA- IMRB

Governance Ratings:

  • Governance ranked as 9th in India by Business Standard, June’2017.
  • Governance ranked as 25th in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2016.
  • Ranked as 13th Best Institute in North India for its Governance by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Governance ranked as 15th Best in India – AIMA IMRB, May 2014
  • Rated among Top 18 in India – AIMA-IMRB Business-Standard May 2012
  • Rated 9th in north India AIMA Indian Management Journal September 2011
  • Among Top 19 B-Schools in India, AIMA-IMRB- Business-Standard– May 2011
  • Above- IIFT, IIM (K), Xavier Institute of Management and at par with K J Somaiya and Deptt. Of Management Studies, IIT Delhi- AIMA- IMRB

Intellectual Capital Ratings:

  • Intellectual Capital ranked as 24th Best in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Ranked as the 7th Private B-school in entire North India by AIMA-Business-Standard, June’2015.
  • Intellectual Capital rated among top 14 Pvt B-schools in India – Business World June 2013
  • Ranked as 4th in Private Institutes in Delhi, NCR and entire North India – Business World June 2013
  • Rated amongst Top 7 Pvt. Institutes in India – AIMA Indian Management Journal May 2013
  • Intellectual Capital among Top 21 in India – AIMA-IMRB Business-Standard May 2012
  • Among Top 23 B-Schools– AIMA-IMRB- Business-Standard– May 2011
  • Among Top 24 in India Business World- June 2011
  • Above– IIM (B), IIM (K), Xavier Institute of Management, K J Somaiya and at par with IIFT, Deptt. Of Management Studies- IIT Delhi and MDI – AIMA- IMRB


  • Scale of Operations ranked at Highest level in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2016.
  • Scale of Operations ranked as Number 1 in India by AIMA-Business Standard, June’2015.
  • Infrastructure ranked as 8th Best in India – AIMA IMRB, May 2014
  • Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRD, Government of India, since 1996.
  • Accredited by the National Board of Accreditation(NBA).
  • Recognized by Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to MBA degree.
  • Rated as the Best Management Institute in North India by Financial Times (K) London (UK).
  • IIM Equivalent Curriculum & Internationally Accredited Faculty led by NDIM Founder Director Dr. Manab Adhikary (Ex-Dean & Head, FMS, Delhi University), Director, Dr. A.T.K. Raman (Ex-Director, SAIL & Arcelor Mittal) and Prof. S.C. Kuchal (Founder Prof. IIM-A).
  • Full time PGDM granted equivalence to MBA by Association of Indian Universities All India Council for Technical Education.
  • Highly powered Board of Directors consisting of most eminent academicians, senior most Bureaucrats, most respected Judges and great industrial houses.
  • Excellent Placements since inception in 1996.
  • Finest Alumni Networking.
  • World Class, Technologically Advanced Campus with State-of-the-Art I.T. Centre and Library.


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